Area of Jurisdiction
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- Last updated:2022-01-18
- View count:2405
The jurisdiction of the Administrative Enforcement Agency Hsinchu Branch includes Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City and Miaoli County. Hsinchu County consists of 13 townships, towns and cities: Jhubei City, Hukou Township, Sinfong Township, Sinpu Township, Guansi Township, Cyonglin Township, Baoshan Township, Jhudong Township, Wufong Township, Hengshan Township, Jianshih Township, Beipu Township and Emei Township. Hsinchu City is divided into eastern district, western district and Siangshan district. Miaoli County includes 18 townships and cities: Jhunan Township, Toufen Town, Sanwan Township, Nanjhuang Township, Shihtan Township, Houlong Township, Tongsiao Township, Yuanli Township, Miaoli City, Zaociao Township, Touwu Township, Gongguan Township, Dahu Township, Tai-an Township, Tongluo Township, Sanyi Township, Sihu Township and Jhuolan Township. All together, there are 34 administrative districts in 3 counties/cities with a total area of 3,352 km2 (Hsinchu County – 1,428 km2, Hsinchu City – 104 km2, Miaoli County – 1,820 km2) and a total population of approximately 1,526,000 (Hsinchu County – 531,303, Hsinchu City – 429,018, Miaoli County – 565,666). There are 2 district courts within the jurisdiction: Hsinchu District Court and Miaoli District Court