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Organization and Responsibilities

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-12-21
  • View count:1894


1. Enforcement of the payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
2. Supervision and review pertinent to enforced payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
3. Arrest and detention pertinent to enforced payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
4. Coordination and communication pertinent to petitions concerning enforced payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
5. Handling of declarations and objections pertinent to enforced payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
6. Research on amendment to the Administrative Enforcement Act and relevant rules and regulations.
7. Handling of other matters pertinent to enforced payment of public-law-imposed obligation (including financial cases).
8. Responsibilities assigned to each unit/office.

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